


Driving down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, we stopped at a local fruit stand. While the crew ran in to gaze at the overpriced berries, I sought out the only shade in the parking area. Simba panted underneath the shabby whitewashed table, and the protrusion caught my eye.

Decades ago, my friend Rob introduced me to the British comedy Withnail & I.   And one of that movie's memorable quotes was "We've gone on holiday by mistake."  After six hours in the car with two young adults, this photograph and my recollections of the film made me laugh. 


infrared concordances...

Recently, I attended an Army retirement ceremony at Fort Myers.  The 3rd US Infantry Regiment, better known as the Old Guard is the elite drill and ceremony unit at Arlington Cemetery.  (Parades and other rituals of symmetry still hold my attention.)  I stare at the coordinated movement and the changing formations, and the world seems to dissolve away...much like each soldier's individuality at that same moment.

As my dissolutions were punctuated with harmonies, I learned that the elite infantry regiment also includes a musical component, the US Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps.  They too marched, but instead of rifles with bayonets...they played their 10-hole fifes, their handmade rope-tensioned drums and their single-valve bugles.  The wigged musicians treated our ears to 18th Century tunes, and for a short while...

I wondered if all conflict could be settled with melodies and marching.


veiled sentiments...

Cousins sharing...wind, hair, and attitudes during a boat ride.

moments before sundown...

Strangers approach one another along the Key Bridge.

A couple enjoys the last few minutes of sunlight,

while a plastic water bottle bobs along.


along the Potomac

This weekend, we went kayaking again along the western edge of the city limits.  Paddling along the banks we saw much of the debris washed downstream by the recent rainstorms.   Overall, we were delighted by the sights.

A thick water snake wrestles the last bit of warmth from a large boulder while a dragonfly perches atop its scales.

We kept paddling.  Then we heard the familiar thunder of a larger dragonfly...snaking its way along the river.



My niece, enjoying the face painting artistry at yesterday's family gathering as we celebrated her father's, her brother's and her own birthday....


kabuki webcast...

I noticed the translucent warrior-in-waiting after a few glances, and I decided to seize the opportunity. After gathering a tripod and switching lenses, I cautiously ventured in closer hoping to photograph the encounter between it and its next meal.

A few test shots later, the 10mm arachnid began to dissolve into a Samurai visage, arms uplifted in mid-aria.  Look closely, and you'll see as well.