
canines at play

Simba (R) flirting with our neighbor's English Bulldog (L).  She was ignoring his invitation to play, so he gently nibbled at her neck.  (I now it looks a bit ominous, but it's just a dog smile.)  Shortly after depressing the shutter, the moment was lost as they ran off together.



I don't mind them at all, and often stop and stare for a few minutes.

Often, my arguments in favor of just leaving them alone are not well received by the rest of the family. Today, Daniela spotted the first black ant scurrying across our kitchen counter.  "Summer is definitely here!"  Then I heard a large whack.



She died two years ago, and I still miss her.  This is one of my favorite photographs of her.  She is holding my hand as we cross a busy street somewhere in France, probably in 1972.

Carmen Rovira Calimano 
(14 de agosto del 1914--19 de abril del 2008)


non-dairy frozen dog treat

Our local mom and pop ice cream store carries individual servings of a non-dairy frozen dog treat.  So today we decided to take Simba for a walk and introduce him to this cool commodity. Only recently were we made aware that this product even existed, and it does seem to be both an absurd commentary on American excess and an ingenious application of consumerism aimed at canine owners.

He did not waste a second.

And when it was over, he seemed surprised.

Then, he took his frustrations out on the empty container.


focused play...

He was lost in his own world while a crowd bantered around him at a recent gathering of family and friends...a dual display of retro hipness, sporting plaid pants and playing with a toy truck.



Cherry Blossoms

They gathered around the Tidal Basin to see the trees.  I enjoyed watching the tourists mingle with the locals.  Some sat on benches, and some sat upon branches.

Some sat on the ground, lost in thought.  

(If you want to see a few more photographs...click here.)