
word views...

During an early morning walk in the Uptown District, I saw a shadow tattoo in a shop window.

A wall full of letters, and "b-e-e-r" stood out for early morning customers.

Yesterday while driving through Gretna, Louisiana on the way back from Dim Sum...a fleeting glimpse of Spanglish


Motownrunner said...

washeteria!!!! very good!!! i wish i'd snapped that one!! love the photos...per usual. abrazos, marga

(Ken) said...

I wished that I'd invented the word...pure Spanglish genius on someone's part. I noticed the sign and Daniela took the photo.

amalia said...

Love the shadows in your pics...specially the dog!!! Awesome pics cuz and Daniela. Happy New Years muchos ABRAZOS!!! Miss you guys...

Edgar said...

I like the doggie tattoo

Edgar said...

I like the doggie tattoo